Parents Are Human

Our Digital Decks

We are on a mission to help people from every culture connect deeply with their loved ones.

We made our entire Parents Are Human & Grief Is Human decks Free/Pay-What-You-Can so they can be accessible to all, regardless of budget.

It's our gift, because some things are too important not to share. Wishing you and your loved ones all the best. 💝

– The Parents Are Human Family


Parents Are Human

A card game that helps you spark deep conversations with your loved ones.

Play this with parents, grandparents, step-parents, in-laws, guardians, aunts/uncles, parent-figures, anyone.

Each Deck Includes:

• 70 increasingly deep questions & action prompts

• Two Levels: start light & easy before diving deeper

If a full-priced deck isn't in your budget, we still want you to play!

Just enter $0 (or an amount that feels good for you) at checkout to get our full digital deck.

English Edition

$0.00+ (Pay-What-You-Can)

This edition contains our full game with 70 increasingly deep prompts, with two levels of difficulty, to inspire connection, compassion, and vulnerability.

Use the blank back of each card to write down answers you want to remember, translate the cards, create your own, and more. Turn this into a keepsake to cherish forever. ♥

    or, buy a physical deck 🛍️

    Grief Is Human

    $0.00+ (Pay-What-You-Can)

    A collection of reflections and activities that help you and your loved ones navigate the complex journey of loss.

    Use this deck by yourself, to get to know someone going through grief, or to grieve together.

    Each Deck Includes:

    • 70 thoughtful reflection & activity prompts

    • Two Levels: start light & easy before diving deeper

    or, buy a physical deck

    Partners Are Human


    A card game that helps you deepen your romantic relationship through meaningful questions & shared activities.

    Play this to fall deeper in love again and again.

    Each Deck Includes:

    • 140 increasingly deep questions & activity prompts

    • Two Levels: start light & easy before diving deeper

    or, buy a physical deck

    Siblings Are Human


    A card game that helps you deepen your relationship with your sibling(s) through meaningful questions & shared activities.

    Play this with siblings, cousins, step-siblings, half-siblings, adopted/foster siblings, lifelong friends, chosen family, & more.

    Each Deck Includes:

    • 140 increasingly deep questions & activity prompts
    • Our prompts are crafted to be inclusive for those who may not share the same parents or guardians

    • Two Levels: start light & easy before diving deeper

    or, buy a physical deck

    Friends Are Human


    A card game that helps you deepen your relationship with your friends through meaningful questions & shared activities.

    Play this with your friends, acquaintances, strangers, colleagues, mentors, anyone.

    Each Deck Includes:

    • 140 increasingly deep questions & activity prompts

    • Two Levels: start light & easy before diving deeper

    or, buy a physical deck

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    Thank you Mom & Dad, for everything.
    Copyright © 2019-2024 Parents Are Human LLC. All rights reserved.